Sécuriser les VirtualHosts d’Apache grâce à GnuTLS

Installation des paquets nécessaires.
aptitude install gnutls-bin libapache2-mod-gnutls

Commençons par la création d’un répertoire de stockage pour les certificats. Le répertoire est donné à titre d’exemple, libre à vous de le changer.
mkdir -p /etc/certs/gnutls
cd /etc/certs/gnutls

Génération de la clé Diffie-Hellman
certtool --generate-dh-params --outfile dh.key

Création du modèle pour signer la clé. Dans mon cas, il s’appellera « ca.tpl » et aura ce contenu.
[generic]# X.509 Certificate options
# DN options

# The organization of the subject.
organization = "Mon entreprise"

# The organizational unit of the subject.
#unit = ""

# The locality of the subject.
locality = MaVille

# The state of the certificate owner.
state = "Région"

# The country of the subject. Two letter code.
country = FR

# The common name of the certificate owner.
cn = "CA"

# A user id of the certificate owner.
#uid = "clauper"

# If the supported DN OIDs are not adequate you can set
# any OID here.
# For example set the X.520 Title and the X.520 Pseudonym
# by using OID and string pairs.
#dn_oid = "" "Dr." "" "jackal"

# This is deprecated and should not be used in new
# certificates.
# pkcs9_email = "none@none.org"

# The serial number of the certificate
serial = 2012013001

# In how many days, counting from today, this certificate will expire.
expiration_days = 1825

# X.509 v3 extensions

# A dnsname in case of a WWW server.
#dns_name = "*.societe.fr"

# An IP address in case of a server.
#ip_address = ""

# An email in case of a person
#email = "none@none.org"

# An URL that has CRLs (certificate revocation lists)
# available. Needed in CA certificates.
crl_dist_points = "http://societe.fr/ca-crl.crt"

# Whether this is a CA certificate or not

# Whether this certificate will be used for a TLS client

# Whether this certificate will be used for a TLS server

# Whether this certificate will be used to sign data (needed
# in TLS DHE ciphersuites).

# Whether this certificate will be used to encrypt data (needed
# in TLS RSA ciphersuites). Note that it is preferred to use different
# keys for encryption and signing.

# Whether this key will be used to sign other certificates.

# Whether this key will be used to sign CRLs.

# Whether this key will be used to sign code.

# Whether this key will be used to sign OCSP data.

# Whether this key will be used for time stamping.

# Whether this key will be used for IPsec IKE operations.

Génération de la clé d’autorité (CA). Cette clé est la plus importante et ne devra jamais être divulguée !
certtool --generate-privkey --outfile ca.key
certtool --generate-self-signed --load-privkey ca.key --template ca.tpl --outfile ca.crt

Changement des droits sur la clé d’autorité.
chmod 600 ca.key
chown root:root ca.key

Génération du clé privée pour Apache.
certtool --generate-privkey --outfile apache.key

Création du modèle pour signer la clé. Dans mon cas, il s’appellera « apache.tpl » et aura ce contenu.
[generic]# X.509 Certificate options
# DN options

# The organization of the subject.
organization = "Mon entreprise"

# The organizational unit of the subject.
#unit = ""

# The locality of the subject.
locality = MaVille

# The state of the certificate owner.
state = "Région"

# The country of the subject. Two letter code.
country = FR

# The common name of the certificate owner.
cn = "Apache"

# A user id of the certificate owner.
#uid = "clauper"

# If the supported DN OIDs are not adequate you can set
# any OID here.
# For example set the X.520 Title and the X.520 Pseudonym
# by using OID and string pairs.
#dn_oid = "" "Dr." "" "jackal"

# This is deprecated and should not be used in new
# certificates.
# pkcs9_email = "none@none.org"

# The serial number of the certificate
serial = 2012013002

# In how many days, counting from today, this certificate will expire.
expiration_days = 1825

# X.509 v3 extensions

# A dnsname in case of a WWW server.
dns_name = "*.societe.fr"

# An IP address in case of a server.
#ip_address = ""

# An email in case of a person
#email = "none@none.org"

# An URL that has CRLs (certificate revocation lists)
# available. Needed in CA certificates.
#crl_dist_points = "http://societe.fr/ca-crl.crt"

# Whether this is a CA certificate or not

# Whether this certificate will be used for a TLS client

# Whether this certificate will be used for a TLS server

# Whether this certificate will be used to sign data (needed
# in TLS DHE ciphersuites).

# Whether this certificate will be used to encrypt data (needed
# in TLS RSA ciphersuites). Note that it is preferred to use different
# keys for encryption and signing.

# Whether this key will be used to sign other certificates.

# Whether this key will be used to sign CRLs.

# Whether this key will be used to sign code.

# Whether this key will be used to sign OCSP data.

# Whether this key will be used for time stamping.

# Whether this key will be used for IPsec IKE operations.

Génération du certificat pour les sites d’Apache. Normalement tout est automatisé, aucune interaction ne sera nécessaire.
certtool --generate-certificate --load-privkey apache.key --load-ca-certificate ca.crt --load-ca-privkey ca.key --template apache.tpl --outfile apache.crt

Génération du fichier de contrôle des certificats révoqués.
certtool --generate-crl --load-ca-privkey ca.key --load-ca-certificate ca.crt --outfile ca-crl.crt

Génération d’un certificat pour permettre l’importation plus facile dans un navigateur.
certtool -i --infile ca.crt --outder --outfile x509-ca.crt

Désactivation du module OpenSSL s’il est déjà actif, pour mettre GnuTLS à la place.
a2dismod ssl
a2enmod gnutls

Modifier le fichier de configuration d’un VirtualHost que l’on souhaite sécuriser. Voici le contenu d’un de mes fichiers.
[generic]<VirtualHost *:443>

GnuTLSEnable on
GnuTLSDHFile /etc/certs/gnutls/dh.key
GnuTLSClientCAFile /etc/certs/gnutls/ca.crt
GnuTLSCertificateFile /etc/certs/gnutls/apache.crt
GnuTLSKeyFile /etc/certs/gnutls/apache.key

ServerName test.societe.fr:443

DocumentRoot /var/www/test

<Directory /var/www/test>
Options SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
AllowOverride All
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from All

LogLevel warn
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error-test.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access-test.log combined


Il ne reste plus qu’à recharger le démon Apache pour prendre en compte nos modifications.
service apache2 reload